Basic login function example in php?

Basic login function example in php
//redirect to dashboard if session is active code session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['ID'])){ dashboard(); }
//dashboard redirect code used in function.php function dashboard(){ echo '<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">window.location.href="'.site_url().'/dashboard/";</script>'; } //php code if(isset($_POST['login'])){ extract($_POST); global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "shopkeeper_signup"; $results = $wpdb->get_results("select * from $table_name where phonenumber LIKE BINARY '$phonenumber' and pass LIKE BINARY '$pass'"); foreach($results as $result) { $phone = $result->phonenumber; } if((count($results)) > 0 ){ session_start(); //session started here $_SESSION['ID']=$phone; return dashboard(); } else { $msg = "Username or Password is wrong!<br>click here to <a style='color:#FFEB3B' href=".site_url().">login</a> again"; } }